Hola Saleros@s!
Se va acercando la primavera y huele a lavanda. Os gusta colocar en vuestros armarios saquitos con este fantástico aroma?
Vamos a crear una shadow box con este agradable tema y a decorarla con preciosos dewdrops de The Robin’s nest creative.
Os dejo el paso a paso en fotos tras comentaros los materiales que vamos a necesitar:
Papel decorado, cartón, tijeras, pistola de silicona, pegamento, flores, cuerda, lazo, Easter Dew Drops.
Espero que os guste y os animéis a realizar vuestra interpretación y a seguir a mis compañer@s para inspiraros.
Hello saleros@s!!
Spring is approaching and smells of lavender. Do you like to place in your closets bags with this fantastic smell?
Let’s create a shadow box with this nice theme and decorate it with beautiful dewdrops from The Robin’s nest creative.
I leave you the step by step in photos after commenting on the materials that we will need:
Decorated paper, cardboard, scissors, silicone gun, glue, flowers, rope, bow, Easter Dew Drops.
I hope you like it and dare to perform your interpretation and follow my collegues to inspire you.