Dewdrops adore beautiful flower girl

Hello beautiful souls! How are you all? How will it be if we work with a beautiful flower girl today? I am talking about the beautiful Artsy flower girl dewdrop canvas of Robin’s nest. It’s a new release of them and I loved it so much. Let’s see the process of  making..   1. First I took the […]
July 15, 2020
Hello beautiful souls!
How are you all?
How will it be if we work with a beautiful flower girl today? I am talking about the beautiful Artsy flower girl dewdrop canvas of Robin’s nest. It’s a new release of them and I loved it so much.
Let’s see the process of  making..


1. First I took the canvas and applied bronze color spray using brick stencil as background.


2. I have distressed green ink using inkpad and a foam brush.


3. I have colored the image for giving a bright look. You have to color it carefully so that the design doesn’t get disturbed. Try to add as little water as possible. Don’t be hard to your brushes. Apply gently.


4. Finally I have added my dewdrops to the canvas. I used different colors for giving vibrant look. You can use single color too.
5. I have outlined the face with black marker for enhancing its beauty.
Did you like it?
Of course you did!
Let’s have a look to more pictures.






Used materials:
Fuscia Mini Dew Drops
Indigo Diamond Dew Drops
Jade Diamond Dew Drops
Lavendar Orchid Diamond Dew Drops
Razzleberry Dew Drops
Purple Mini Dew Drops
Robins Red Dew Drops
Ruby Red Diamond Dew Drops
Royal Blue Dew Drops
Kelly Green Dew Drops
12. water color
13. green ink
14. bronze color spray
15. Brick stencil
16. Black marker pen
So, that’s all for today. I hope you enjoyed.
There are so many ideas from my fellow crafters in this blog. You can try them too.
Be crafty with Robin’s nest team.

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