How to use dew drops on musical instrument

Hello crafty souls!     How are you all? It’s Nur Meharuma Chowdhury from Craft fable again! Today I have brought up a new mixed media art for you and I am sure you will definitely love it. It’s a guitar! Not a real one! I have made it with paper. My favourite dewdrops from Robin’s nest have added intellectual […]
June 18, 2020
Hello crafty souls!     How are you all?
It’s Nur Meharuma Chowdhury from Craft fable again!
Today I have brought up a new mixed media art for you and I am sure you will definitely love it.
It’s a guitar!
Not a real one! I have made it with paper. My favourite dewdrops from Robin’s nest have added intellectual vives to my mixed media art.
Check here for the tutorial:
I have used following materials:
Fuscia Mini Dew Drops
Black Dew Drops
Razzleberry Dew Drops
Belle dancer paper cut out,
Black cardstock,
Artificial flowers,
Paper cut outs,
acrylic colors,
clay frame,
wooden chopstick,
wooden sentiment,
net leaves,
wooden button.
I have some close up photos for you.
So , how did you find my work?
Please tell me.
That’s all for today. See you soon.

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