Hey There,
It’s the perfect time to update your home decor by making a unique piece of art for your wall or mantle. Canvas Dew Drops sets are a great jumping off point for those of us who can’t draw. They come in numerous sizes from 5×7″ to 24×36″ You can find all the different canvas designs available HERE.
Artsy Tree Canvas
River Bed Tear Drops -green brown
Sunkissed Tear Drops – red orange yellow
Forest Brown Mini Dew Drops
Summer Shower Mini Dew Drops
1. Remove the backboard and glass from the frame. Center the design and mark lightly with a pencil. Trim the canvas to fit your frame.
2. Use a brown permanent marker to highlight the texture of the tree bark. Sketch vertical lines in irregular strokes with different amounts of density. Apply a coat of clear gesso over the entire canvas and set aside to dry.
3. When thoroughly dry, apply clear crackle medium over specific areas of the canvas.
5. Next, spray gold mist over the dried crackle areas. Use a paintbrush to spread the mist. It may be necessary to use a wet brush so that the mist will move easily and sink into the cracks to accentuate them.
(Notice the difference adding the mist makes to the visibility of the crackles.
The lower right corner does not have any mist applied yet.)
5. Splatter gold mist over the canvas. Remove the nozzle to flick larger droplets.
6. Finally, use liquid adhesive to adhere Tear Drops to create the fall foliage.
7. Fill in the smaller areas with round Dew Drops. To finish the scene, attach a piece of green fuzzy trim along the lower edge of the canvas to create a horizon. When thoroughly dry, assemble your finished canvas back into the frame and secure the backboard.
permanent brown marker
clear gesso
clear crackle paint
spray mists (brown & gold)
liquid adhesive
green fuzzy trim
frame 5×7″
A Closer Look:
The Robin’s Nest Shop
If you’d like to see more of Karen’s wonderful projects, visit her blog Art & Soul.
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